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Fort Cherry School District

Special Education

Special Education Programs & Services

Fort Cherry School District provides support for students with a wide range of educational needs. The majority of students are educated in the general education classroom to the fullest extent possible with minor accommodations and modifications. Other students may need more extensive support offered through the Fort Cherry School District’s special education programs and services.

Special education consists of programs and services designed to meet the educational needs of students who meet state and federal eligibility criteria. To qualify for special education services, students must demonstrate the presence of a disability and also demonstrate the need for specially designed instruction. Regardless of the student’s disability, students are included in general education to the fullest extent appropriate for their level of need in order to be successful.

Screening and Evaluation

Students are screened universally using a data-driven approach in the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework. As such, the goal is to provide interventions and supports to all students to help them be successful in the regular education classroom. However, after a child is given every opportunity to receive adapted instruction or additional assistance, the MTSS team will recommend permission to conduct a multi-disciplinary evaluation, which could result in special education placement. The process involves gathering data about the student to determine his/her academic level and/or identifying specific student needs.  Interventions are then suggested, recommended, or applied and the student’s progress is monitored.

Parents who believe that their child may be in need of a special education evaluation maintain the right to put a request in writing to the attention of the Director of Pupil Services. Please indicate your child's name, grade level, and the concerns you have regarding your child's current educational abilities. After receipt of your request, the District will issue a Permission to Evaluate (PTE) within ten (10) days of receipt of your request.

When the signed PTE is received by the District, the District will conduct the multi-disciplinary evaluation within sixty (60) calendar days. Please note that the 60 day window pauses during summer break. During the evaluation, a certified School Psychologist will conduct tests as indicated on the PTE to determine if a child has a disability, and what, if any, impact such a disability has on the child's ability to function at their maximum capacity in the classroom.

The District will make three (3) attempts to obtain permission from the parent/guardian. Such attempts may include but are not limited to US Mail, US Certified Mail, Electronic Signature via PandaDoc, and/or paper packets sent home with a child. If a signed permission is not received after three (3) attempts, the District will make the request for evaluation inactive, and the child will remain in his/her current educational placement.

When the evaluation is complete, you will receive a written report of the evaluation, along with any recommendations. If a child has a disability and qualifies for specially-designed instruction, a meeting will be held within thirty (30) days to review the evaluation. Within ten (10) days of review of the evaluation, an IEP will be drafted with the IEP team.

If a child does not qualify for special education services, you will receive a written report of the evaluation; however, no meeting will be held unless the parent/guardian requests a meeting with school staff.

Inclusive Practices

Special Education is a service, not a place. The Fort Cherry School District supports the implementation of inclusive practices, with the necessary supplementary aids and services to access the general education curriculum. These services are brought to the child, rather than sending the child out of the general education classroom to receive special education services. Students who need more intensive services access the special education programs.

Learning Support

Learning support services are provided to students who demonstrate a disability in understanding or in using language (spoken or written), reading, writing, and/or mathematics. Accommodations and modifications may be provided in the general education classroom. Students who need more intensive services may receive academic support within the learning support program.

Life Skills Support

The Life Skills Support Program provides specially designed instruction to students whose needs are functional academics, self-care, social skills, language development, communication, and perceptual motor skills. Students who participate in the life skills program are also included in the general education curriculum whenever appropriate, based upon their level of need. In addition, these students participate in community-based instruction activities.

Speech/Language Support

Students who demonstrate a need in articulation, fluency, language and auditory processing development, and voice receive speech and language support. The Speech Teacher works closely with the classroom teachers to assist with any communication barriers that may be present. Students are scheduled for individual and/or small group sessions according to age as well as the type and severity of the disorder.

Therapeutic Emotional Support

The therapeutic emotional support program is designed to meet the needs of students with social, emotional, and behavioral needs that have an adverse impact on their learning. Direct instruction in social skills is provided according to individual student needs. This can be done through the emotional support classroom and/or through social work services. Additionally, academic support and/or direct instruction is provided as needed.

Secondary Transition

Secondary transition is the process of preparing students for life after graduating from high school, including participation in post-secondary education or training, employment, and community living. Transition planning begins at age 14, in middle school or early high school, as students explore what they want their post-school outcomes to be. This is done through career awareness exploration activities. Transition planning involves a partnership between the student, the family, school-age services, post-school services, and local community service providers.

Related Services

Students must first qualify for special education before they can be assessed to determine if they would require related services to benefit from special education.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy focuses on the functional performance of the student in educationally relevant activities, such as self-help, sensory, fine motor and postural skills. Individual and/or small group therapy sessions as well as consultative services are provided according to student needs.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy focuses on the natural opportunities for students to develop motor competence, balance and coordination in routine educational activities.

Speech/Language Therapy

Speech/Language Therapy can also be provided as a related service. For a description of services, please see ‘Speech/Language Support’.

Intermediate Unit 1 Services

Hearing Support Program and Services

Hearing Support Services are provided to students who qualify for hearing services due to impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. A child who meets the criteria for deafness demonstrates a hearing impairment so severe that the child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification. The Hearing Teacher works closely with the classroom teachers to best assist with accommodating each child’s needs. Hearing Support can also be provided as a related service.

Social Work Services

Social Work services are provided for students who are in need of social skill development. The Social Worker will meet with the student either individually or with a group. Sessions focus on the needs of the individual(s) and may include some of the following; role playing, appropriate social interaction, and /or discussion of topic(s) deemed necessary. This is provided as a related service.

Vision Support Program and Services

A visual impairment, including blindness, indicates the impairment, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational progress and performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness. The Vision Teacher works closely with the classroom teachers to best assist with developing the necessary visual accommodations in all aspects of the child’s educational environment. Vision Support can also be provided as a related service.
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