Welcome to First Grade! First grade is an exciting time as children take part in new ventures in learning.
Our first graders develop vital work habits, appropriate social behavior,
problem solving and decision making skills.
Additionally, they will learn many academic skills that need to be practiced daily at home.
Please check your child’s folder each night for daily assignments and classroom newsletters.
Our Schedule
8:45-9:05 Breakfast
9:05-9:15 Opening
9:15-11:10 English Language Arts (ELA)
11:10-11:40 Lunch
11:45-12:45 Math
1:17-2:01 Unified Arts/Specials
2:05-2:35 A.I.R.E.
2:45-3:05 Recess
3:05-3:20 Science/Social studies/Snack
3:20 Dismissal