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Fort Cherry School District

Online Enrollment - Kindergarten

The paperwork portion of registration is completed online. The registration portal will open Monday, January 27, 2025 for the 25-26 school year.  If you have questions or do not have access to a computer, please contact Mrs. Carol Staley (District Registrar) at [email protected] or 724-796-1551 ext. 5000.

Please plan to attend both "Getting Ready for Kindergarten" sessions being held on March 13 and April 16 from 6:00-7:30 PM and Screening on June 18, 2025. Please click here to see the flyer and more information.

Below is a step-by-step guide for registering your child for Kindergarten.

Step One:

The District requires the following information to complete your child's registration.
Please begin by gathering the items listed below:

-Your child's birth certificate
-Two proofs of residency (lease/rental agreement or mortgage statement, automobile registration/insurance card, current utility bill, pay stub/ACCESS card)
-Photo ID of Parent/Guardian enrolling child (Driver's License, Passport, or State-issued Identity Card) cannot be expired
-Your child's YTD Immunization Record as required by law (must be a copy from Health Care Provider)

You will be asked to upload these documents...a clear scan or picture (jpeg or the like) will upload well.  You may scan the documents using a scanner, take a clear/readable picture with your phone, or use the scan option in the notes app to create an image of these documents.

Step Two:

Complete the online registration application following the instructions below:

You will begin by creating a login on our Student Registration Community Web Portal.

(1) Click on CREATE a NEW ACCOUNT - you will be asked to enter your first and last name, working email address, desired password and a security question/answer.

(2) Once you create your account, you will be directed to verify your email address.  Check your email for a message titled "Community Web Portal Student Registration Account Email Confirmation".
Verify your newly created account through the email sent to you.  You are now ready to begin the online registration application (it is very important to remember your newly created password - you will need to enter your email and password each time you enter the registration portal.)

CLICK HERE to be redirected to our online registration portal.


The Nurse's office will need a Physical and Dental form completed for your child during their Kindergarten year of school.  Best practice is to have these scheduled visits completed before December and return the paperwork to the Nurse by then.

 - Physical Examination form is provided in the online registration packet.  A hard copy can be requested if you cannot print it at home.  Complete the parent portion, take the form with you to a scheduled appointment, then have the medical professional complete the rest of the form.
 - Dental Examination form is provided in the online registration packet.  A hard copy can be requested if you cannot print it at home.  Complete the parent portion, take the form with you to a scheduled appointment, then have the dentist complete the rest of the form.

You may return these completed documents by scanning and attaching to an email, sending them through the U.S. Mail, or dropping them off at our district offices.

District mailing address:  110 Fort Cherry Rd, McDonald, PA 15057

*All incoming Kindergarten students must turn 5 years old by August 31, 2025 to register for the 2025-26 school year.

Any questions about the registration process can be directed to Mrs. Carol Staley at [email protected]g or 724-796-1551 ext. 5000.
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